XXL North America phy. by Wenschow
On Wenschow maps we will add 8% shipping and handling.
- Employs Lambert azimuthal projection
- Degrees of longitude and latitude marked in steps of 10 degrees on the map
- Easy to locate places and determine position
- Shows territorial and ocean relief
- Map printed in 13 single glowing colors
- Introduces land elevation with 8 colors
- Depicts ocean depth in 5 colors
- Remarkably effective with outstanding distance effects
- Includes warm and cold ocean currents
- Illustrates physical and political characteristics
- English version, updated and printed in 2010
- Extra-strong, tear-free plastic lamination, reflection free, markable and washable
On Wenschow maps we will add 8% shipping and handling.
Unsere unschlagbare Preis-Politik:
Beste Qualität zum günstigsten Preis!
Bestellformular Download
Was ist eine Echtholzbestäbung?
Was ist ein Springroller?
Höhe: | 191 cm |
Breite: | 145 cm |
Maßstab: | 1:6 M |
Verfügbare Versionen:
XXL North America phy. by Wenschow - With poster rods (white lacquered solid wood), both sides matt anti-glare extra strong laminated (tear-resistant, can be written & washable) With wooden rods, tear-resistant, reflection free, laminated (markable and washable)
(Artikel-Nr.: 100337391)
(Artikel-Nr.: 100337391)
XXL North America phy. by Wenschow - Springrollo, laminated on metal rail laminated, on spring roller with metal backboard
(Artikel-Nr.: 100014127)
(Artikel-Nr.: 100014127)