XXL Natural Hazards 1+2 (Combo): Plate Tectonics, Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tsunamis
2 map combo
Front: Natural Hazards 1: Plate Tectonics
Back: Natural Hazards 2: Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tsunamis
2 map combo
Front: Natural Hazards 1: Plate Tectonics
Back: Natural Hazards 2: Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tsunamis
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Was ist ein Springroller?
Höhe: | 145 cm |
Breite: | 180 cm |
Maßstab: | 1:24500000 |
Verfügbare Versionen:
XXL Natural Hazards 1+2 (Combo): Plate Tectonics, Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tsunamis - Two maps mounted on spring roller with Backboard, laminated (Combo) Two maps mounted on spring roller with Backboard, laminated (Combo)
(Artikel-Nr.: 100106061)
(Artikel-Nr.: 100106061)